The earth: "I am different from the others, you know."

The sky: " I like different."

The earth: " But my kind of different becomes a part of you once you bite into it."

The sky: "I am very hungry."

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

It's midnight Cinderella

“Hey!” I rasped my knuckles against the stone wall and waited. I could hear the shuffling on the other side and I knew he was there.  I could also sense that he was unsure of himself and that is why he did not speak. I knew that I must coax him out from behind his big stone fortress. “Are you there?”

When he did not respond, I sat down hard against the wall. I was exhausted and I had been going way too far chasing him around like some crazed school girl. Oh, who am I kidding, I am a crazed girl, just been out of school for quite some time so that really doesn’t work for me. Now, I am just some crazy old lady that fell into a delusional conquest. Suddenly, it became time to go home and I felt it in every bone.

“Fine, you know what, if you don’t want me to come scream against your “big bad stone wall” then stop leaving your bread crumbs behind the bushes for me to “happen” to find. I know your conniving and your seeming innocence, and guess what mister, I know your game. If you keep doing this, I shall break down that wall and drag you out by your collar. Do you hear me??”

That is when I heard the water, it was faint, and it sounded like it was beating against the shore. I knew your heart and its folly, so I decided to go ahead and slip the message into the broken segment of brick right above my head. This way, you could, at least, have the opportunity to read my uninhibited words. After all, the torment of not leaving the clues would drive me further insane anyway. I stood on tiptoe and first looked through the fragmented hole in the wall. I saw the ocean blue and the blue sky amplified my interest.  As the waves crashed the shore I noticed that I had calmed down quite a bit. It seemed that the ocean took hold of my spirit and cradled it closely, pulling and relieving the manic frustration.

“I see you and I am sorry. I know that things are not as simple as you would want them to be. It’s just that sometimes when you see the rainbow, it would be nice to find the end, touch the surface and know that it is real. I can never have that and no amount of codes and snippets of paper will every replace a hand on the back of my head, running down the length of my hair, an arm intertwined in mine and a warm hand upon my back. It is the simple things that kept the darkness as bay. Earth is barren without the water and the fire and blue blue sky. Cant you see…I shall die here, crumpled at the base of this wall, with a muse for a heart.

“It’s midnight Cinderella.”

I swallow the lump in my throat and push the rolled paper through the gap in the wall. I can almost feel your fingers touch mine as you receive my code and let out a great long sigh.

I leave before my chariot turns to a pumpkin and my horses turn to mice. But I shall return, for it cannot stay midnight forever.

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