The earth: "I am different from the others, you know."

The sky: " I like different."

The earth: " But my kind of different becomes a part of you once you bite into it."

The sky: "I am very hungry."

Monday, October 28, 2013

segregation of humanity

A man sits alone and he thinks of ways to run away. The thing is, he cannot run away from that which tears him apart because to run, would be to run from everything he knows as reality. Reality has become treacherous and painful. He feels himself caving in with every breath he takes. He is immobilized by humanities delusions, simply because these delusions exclude him as a human being.

The man will sit alone for a long time as those who find no use in him, pass him by. He has seen beyond the film of reality and they find him with contempt. They do not see him, yet, as a harm to their agenda. He seems useless because of his lack of following.

If he should band together a group of rebellion, those faceless ones might gather their arsenals. Until then, they will pass him by, without even the smallest bit of change thrown down to him for a night’s meal or drink. Humanity does not care. Humanity has an image to uphold.

When the man tried to hold to his image without the taint of lies, he fell. When he fell, he was seen to have disgust toward those that lived in the hysterical illusions of life.

As his disgust was known, they looked down on him and wondered what sort of disorder and sickness he held within. For to their normalacy, their simple minds would shudder and stand away in horror  and awe. They stood at distance and felt sorry for the man who just couldn’t play the game correctly.

This was filed away as entertainment value and nothing new to be learned. Their passing conversations hovered about and tasted of last years reminiscing of other unfortunate crazies that they had found along the streets. Some of them were even frightened by the man’s horrible stare and  outpouring of honest critique.

The man finally stood to them and spoke, realizing that he was no good at the game but did not care. He pulled together his courage, as homeless and hungry as it may be; and he presented the truth before them.

They were not pleased with the truth and they found solace in the lives they had created. They found comfort in their stupidity. They decided to turn from him and go back home. There they would mindlessly fall into rhythm and continue to drive onward with their lies.

Meanwhile, in the corner of their most secret of secrets, they longed to know the mystery. They quietly and very carefully tiptoed toward the edge of the unknown and sat before the partition dividing them from the man. The man on the street never knew they gazed at him through the glass of their minds.


 They sat for hours in their dreams and wondered what it was like to be different.


In the morning they will laugh over coffee and tell their friends of the silly dream they had the night before; then they will throw jeers at the begger and go back to their lives.
This is the world we live in and this is the face of humanity.
Face yourself.

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